Feminine Intelligence Shaping the Future
How will feminine intelligence transform our world?
Since the inception of FemmeQ in 2016, we have touched the lives of over 3 million people through our International Summits in 5 countries, in-person workshops, online events, training programmes, inspiring films and mini-documentaries.
Our multifaceted approach has led to profound impact, empowering and resourcing change agents, fostering collaboration across diverse sectors, and igniting the creation of hundreds of new enterprises and community projects.
The essential qualities of the feminine aspect of our human nature have been marginalised for centuries and relegated to the personal and private spaces of our lives. Leaders now recognise these qualities as critical in facing an uncertain future. We need a paradigm shift in leadership to create a flourishing future.
True and enduring transformation begins with inner work to shift mindset, beliefs and societal norms that keep the status quo in place. By integrating feminine intelligence in all that we do, we are creating a new story that takes us from despair and fear toward hope, love, and possibility.
The world will look very different when the feminine is fully integrated fully with the masculine.

“Feminine intelligence is sourced from a deep knowing that we are all part of a living universe; with an innate sense of responsibility for the survival of human and planetary life. Embodied feminine intelligence brings the love, energy and life-force to serve what is of the greatest importance beyond self-interest.”
Karen Downes, Co-founder & Director FemmeQ
Who we are
With a global reach and unwavering dedication, we strive to embody the wisdom, compassion, and resilience inherent in the feminine principle, that brings life to life.
We are not merely advocating change; we are actively shaping a future where healing, compassion, cooperation, and inclusivity reign supreme. We are a vibrant network of courageous, thought leaders, changemakers, and practitioners embracing feminine qualities to catalyse the transformation needed at this time. We are shaping the future.
Our collective identity comprises people and organisations, hailing from diverse backgrounds, disciplines, and geographies.
We stand for bridging the divide that has separated us from our whole selves, advocating for the intrinsic value of women who bring life to life, respect for our Mother Earth and bringing the life-affirming principles of the feminine, in all that we do.

What We Do
& Resources
& Summits
& Speaking
Our Vision
We envision a world where the innate power of feminine intelligence is fully embodied and activated within the consciousness of all, leading to a profound transformation of our societal systems. We see a future that cherishes diversity, honours interconnectedness, and respects the contribution of women.
Our Mission
Our mission is rooted in the essence of feminine intelligence, harnessing its power to heal, inspire, and elevate humanity. We are resourcing people in applying feminine principles to catalyse transformation for systemic change. By applying the innate qualities of the feminine, accessible to all genders, we focus on the critical areas of peace and justice, climate and ecology and right livelihood for all. We celebrate women, honouring the profound wisdom inherent in the female body, and Mother Earth, that brings life to life.
We are Catalysing Transformation
“When the forms of an old culture are dying, the new culture is created by a few people who are not afraid to be insecure.” ~ Rudolf Bahro
Telling a New Story
Telling a New Story wherein many people take part in its creation. Those who are gathering, from grassroots projects to global initiatives. They are resourced by passion, in service to a purpose greater than the personal. It’s the beginning of a new story, and it’s worth telling. It will ignite the imagination of others, near and far about what’s possible, when we reintegrate the feminine into all that we do.
Bridging the Divide
Bridging the Divide through connection and collaboration to close the gap of fragmentation across sectors, geographies, generations and gender that have discarded the feminine, relegating the softer aspects of our human nature to our private lives and prevented women’s development and knowledge sharing. We connect, cohere and amplfiy the work of those who share a vision of a flourishing future for all.
Elevating Consciousness
Elevating Consciousness, awake to what is missing, and now needed to restore balance in the dominant system of patriarchy. Highlighting the systemic cultural norms, beliefs and mindsets that keep the status quo in place, inhibit the advancement of women and constrain the unleashing of our full human potential when both the feminine and masculine are fully integrated.
Activating the Wisdom
Activating the Wisdom of the Feminine accessible to all but deemed as irrelevant in business, economics and politics is now essential to restore wholeness, In the past feminine wisdom has been relegated to our private spaces, is now key to our survival. It is feminine intelligence that activates our conscience and holds us to be responsible guardians of all life and stewards of our future.